School Clubs and Wrap Around

We strongly believe that extra curricular learning supports all of our in-school learning.

We currently offer football after school for Years 2 to 6 run by Game On Sports Academy.

We have previously offered a range of clubs. Here are some examples:

Netball Club

Football Club

Engineering Club


Drawing Club

Yoga & Pilates Club

Watch this space as clubs become available over the next few weeks.


Our wraparound care is provided by Quackers Out of School Clubs.

Breakfast Club

Open from 7.35 am, the children will be offered breakfast consisting of a choice of cereal, along with toast with various toppings, yogurt and fruit. Breakfast finishes at 8.10am to allow time to tidy up. Once finished eating the children are free to play games and take part in art and craft activities, or just sit down and read a book or chat.

After School Club

Once all children have arrived and the register has been taken, they have the choice to go outside and play until 4.00/4.30 pm (time of year dependent). This allows children to get some fresh air and gives them the opportunity for physical activity such as football, skipping, rounders etc.  We also have areas where the children can just sit and talk outside should they be tired after their day at school or wish to do their homework. During the warmer months we may also set up arts and craft activities outside.
Around 4.30pm a snack is served. We offer a choice of sandwiches and wraps with fillingssuch as ham, chicken slices, cheese, Quorn, marmite, jam and honey. With every snack two varieties of vegetables and two varieties of fruit are offered. There will also be hot snacks provided on certain days. We try and cater for all dietary requirements.
Water is available throughout the entire session. WE DO NOT provide biscuits or cake. After snack, the children will either have access to outside games or a choice of inside board games, arts and crafts, small world or space to sit quietly and read or do homework.
Children are welcome to come and join us after they finish any other Clubs at School. Closes 6pm

How to Book

We can accept Childcare Vouchers, TFC and debit or credit card.

To use our club please simply visit our website where you can register and book your place and find out about session times and prices.