Pupil and Sports Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding has been allocated to schools each year since 2011. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils at Brookmead School is 16% (an increase of 6% over three years).   Because some cohorts have only a small number of disadvantaged pupils, detailed information regarding pupil outcomes is not published on the website to ensure pupil anonymity. The Pupil Premium strategy is reviewed in the Spring and Autumn Terms and funding allocated as part of the annual budget setting exercise.

What are the main barriers to achievement for disadvantaged pupils?

  • emotional well-being and anxiety 

  • lack of confidence, resilience and low self-esteem

  • limited access to opportunities and resources to broaden learning experience and raise achievement

  • lack of exposure to a range of vocabulary

  • low expectations of what pupils can and should achieve.

Pupil Premium funding is targeted to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils in the following ways:

Raising achievement through technology, which includes:

  • widening access to learning through technology
  • extending experiences through technology (e.g. 3D printer, Google Glasses, responsive projection systems)
  • extending children’s experiences of technology to understand the world around them and keep themselves safe

Raising achievement through extended learning and enrichment projects, which includes:

  • subsidies for school trips, residential trips, music tuition, extra-curricular activities, Breakfast and After-School Club; 

  • enrichment projects and extending experience, such as Learning Outside the Classroom/Forest School, Bucks Open Studios, singing projects including O2 and Royal Albert Hall, resources to widen access to learning at school and at home (including online)

Raising achievement through intervention and support, which includes:

  • Nurture groups

  • 1:1 mentoring and nurture with a trained Theraplay therapist

  • Training staff regarding high expectations

  • Pets as Therapy Dog

  • Young Carers groups

  • Emotional well-being support for pupils

  • Access to programmes online to help develop skills and confidence in English and mathematics (e.g. Nessy, Purple Mash, Speech Link)

Pupil Premium Funding is also used to maintain excellence in the teaching of Phonics and Early Reading in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and build confidence and enjoyment in reading in Key Stage 2 through access to a rich range of books and reading resources.

The school works closely with the Pitstone Town Lands Charity to help provide financial support to families in need in Pitstone.  Families who may be experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to speak to a member of the school leadership team in confidence. 

Sports Premium

Raising achievement and widening participation through Sport and PE, which includes: 

  • investment in the sports programme REAL PE, including training and development for teachers and pupils

  • developing the skills of pupils and staff through specialist coaching

  • transport costs to enable children to participate in a wide range of events within the local area

  • renewing and updating sports equipment

  • extra-curricular activities and lunchtime clubs to promote health lifestyles

  • membership of the Mandeville Sports Partnership which increases the number of events that our children can participate in.

What have we achieved as part of PE and Sports development at Brookmead School?

  • Increased number of after school clubs

  • Use of specialists to provide targeted sports clubs to promote engagement in physical activity for all pupils 

  • Leadership opportunities for volunteers, extending the network of knowledge and skills within parent community 

    • A strong collaboration has been developed with local Bucks Sports Partnerships which has increased opportunities for pupil participation in sporting activities from Years 1-6

  • Investment in new equipment 

  • Achievement of Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Award for the provision of sport. This award is based on increased children’s participation and provision of PE/ Games; the number of competitive opportunities both within and outside school that are offered, pupils’ involvement in the planning and organisation of sporting events and the training of staff.

  • Training in and implementation of REAL PE to raise pupil achievement and quality of teaching 

  • After school to wide participation in sports of all pupils, particularly those who may be classed as vulnerable

Year 6 Swimming Competency

Swimming lessons are provided to all pupils for one term in Key Stage 2.

At the end of the academic year 23/24, 86% of the year 6 cohort could confidently swim 25 metres, 86% could use a range of strokes effectively & 100% could perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations.



brookmead school 3 year pupil premium strategy update oct 23.pdf



brookmead pe sports premium funding 2023 24 final.pdf