Online Learning & E-Safety

The Brookmead Positive Behaviours Online

At Brookmead we use technology to help our learning. Purple Mash and Google Apps for Education enable us to collaborate with each other and share our learning as well as access resources to help our learning online. Two of our Brookmead Positive Behaviours are especially relevant online: 'We keep ourselves and others safe', and 'We use kind words and phrases'.

By following the Brookmead Positive Behaviours Online we can stay safe online and be respectful and responsible users of technology.

We keep ourselves and others safe

  • We do not give information about our home address, phone number, send a photograph or video, or give any other personal information that could be used to identify ourselves, our family or our friends and where we live.

  • We understand that not everyone online is who they say they are and that online friends should only be people we know and trust.

  • If we see anything that makes us unhappy or worries us in any way, we will show a teacher or a trusted adult who will know what to do to help.

  • We do not share images of others without permission.

  • We understand that some websites are not suitable for children and we will not use them until we are the right age.

  • We do not share our usernames and passwords.

  • We will always sign out completely when we have finished using Google Chrome or Frog to make sure our work and any data that is shared is secure.

  • We understand that not everything we read online is true or reliable.

  • We expect all adults to help us stay safe online, whether we are using technology in school or at home.

We use kind words and phrases

  • We do not send messages or post anything online that might be hurtful or upset others.

These are the behaviours we expect from all members of the Brookmead community.