

Our Mathematical learning and teaching intent is to ensure a consistent whole school approach.  This enables children to develop fluency and mastery in mathematical problem solving and reasoning skills that are valuable in every subject area and in day to day life. 


We have high expectations in the learning and teaching of Mathematics to ensure fluency in number and a deep understanding of Mathematical concepts.  The curriculum delivers opportunities to engage, build and develop the foundations of mathematics in number, shape, measure, statistical and reasoning skills to enable them access mathematics across the curriculum and into their everyday lives.

At Brookmead children learn mathematics following the White Rose scheme of work. This  mathematics programme helps develop and deepen their mathematical understanding across all areas of mathematics learning. White Rose is fully aligned to the National Curriculum for Mathematics

When learning a new technique, learning is approached in the same way.  Initially, children will watch and listen to the teacher talk through a worked example.  They then take part alongside the teacher with Guided Practice (GP).  Children may then complete Partner Teaching (PT) where they repeat the Guided Practice method with their partner.  This approach ensures they understand what they are doing as they work collaboratively to find a solution and apply new skills and vocabulary before they begin tackling questions independently.  

This system supports the full use of concrete, pictorial, abstract methods to deliver teaching of Mathematics. 

Daily fluency activities enable the children to master key number skills at pace.  Number fluency enables children to recall facts quickly and free up their working memory when tackling longer, more complex problems.  Children in Foundation, Years 1 & 2 take part in the NCETM Mastering Number programme to ensure early understanding of number to give them a firm foundation of understanding the value of numbers (the threeness of three).  

To develop reasoning skills in Maths our learners work through daily reasoning activities.

Children regularly revisit concepts to ensure a depth of learning leading to mastery.  Achieving mastery means acquiring a ‘depth before breadth’ skill set, enabling children to grasp a concept confidently by exploring challenges and investigating it in alternative ways.  This builds reasoning skills and resilience, developing the children into more independent learners who appreciate that problems can be approached from different angles.

The learning of times tables is taught throughout the school and Times Tables Rockstars and Cracking Times Tables are used to complement this. 

In 2019 Brookmead School became a member of the Developing Teaching for Mastery Work Group supported by the Enigma Maths Hub.  

Cross curricular links for real world application of Maths are important: children will pattern seek in science throughout their primary career;  accurate measuring in DT across the year groups and pattern seeking and applying binary numbers in Year 6 Computing.   Additionally, Year 5 history learning links to Enigma Machine at Bletchley Park and the work of Alan Turing; Year 5 science explores Katherine Johnson and the role she played in getting mankind on the moon; and Al Kharwazi and his use of algebra and the arabic numeral system are explored in Year 6 history.

Our full progression in skills for Mathematics can be found below.


Through our teaching and learning in Mathematics we challenge, we inspire and we ensure children achieve:

  • Learners use a range of mathematical vocabulary in their learning and apply this to cross curricular links.  Across the school a sequenced, structured approach to introduce and reinforce mathematical vocabulary is used and children are given modelled sentences (Stem sentences) to help them recall facts and methods

  • Learners know how and why maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace

  • Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered through the clear and systematic learning and teaching

  • Learners demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures, for example the times tables.

White Rose Maths

White Rose Maths provides maths resources and Schemes of Learning for pupils of all ages, from early years to secondary school. The Schemes of Learning (SOL) outline yearly frameworks that break down what children need to learn during each week of each term to master the learning objectives laid out by the National Curriculum. And resources that are aligned with the White Rose Maths frameworks are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery with differentiated resources.

But what defines White Rose Maths more than their resources and frameworks is their approach to teaching maths. At the heart of their resources and frameworks is the motto “Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!” — a slogan that we wholeheartedly agree with here at Brookmead School!

Their mission is to support primary school teachers and parents all over the UK in helping children work towards maths mastery and change attitudes towards this subject, encouraging a growth mindset in both teachers and learners. Adopting a White Rose Maths approach to teaching means making sure all children have the same opportunities to learn and the support they need to fully grasp concepts.

The philosophy behind White Rose Maths also focuses on making maths fun for children and helping them to find enjoyment in number problems. Because when children are engaged in learning and enjoying maths, that’s when lessons really sink in and deep learning happens